Thursday, September 25, 2008


day 1.
My only goals here are to illustrate daily things that:
A) Frustrate me
B) Allow me to laugh at other people's misfortunes via video/photo
C) Highlight the amazingness that is the female anatomy (namely video ho's, thick white chicks, etc.)
D) Let muhfucka's know how i feel about the ridiculous shit celebrities and general everyday idiots get away with.
E) Put muhfucka's onto whats on the plates (records on the turntables)
F) Explain why Joe Rogan is the world's biggest waste of space/time/energy
G) Give my colorful insight on movies new and old (will create the list of the 100 movies everyman should not only see, but also own in their personal library)
H) Keep muhfucka's fresh on the latest gear/kicks
I) Give explicit opinions on the current state of American politics
J)Keep muhfucka's informed on sports (namely teams i care about, i.e. Chicago Cubs, San Diego Chargers)

In summation, i fully intend to provide a good source of daily laughter by jackin shit from everybody else's websites (see: youtube) and posting it here with witty and overly opinionated commentary from a biased, utterly self absorbed, anti-social asshole with a real big chip on his shoulder for all things idiotic.


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